Age/Disability Rights

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Latest Web Content

Supported Decision-Making: Defending Liberty


Supported decision-making is a legal concept that promotes self-determination and serves as an alternative to guardianship and conservatorship.

News Article

Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to be an Ally


Legal advocates can learn important skills from this book, including appropriate ways to talk about disability, how to recognize and avoid ableism, and how to ensure accessibility in everyday practices and at special events.

Journal Article

Featured Member Michael Gilfix, CAP, Fellow: Visionary Advocate for Elder and Special Needs Law


Mike is a visionary and a modern Renaissance man. Not only is he one of the founders of NAELA, but he also helped to establish and popularize the practice areas of elder law and special needs law.

News Article

Veterans Benefits Basics: What Practitioners Should Know


Understanding the three core veterans benefits programs will enable elder law attorneys to assist the vast majority of their veteran clients.

News Article

In Memory of Ron Landsman: Tributes for a Gentle Giant


Ron Landsman was a prolific advocate, a caring and giving soul, and a giant in the field of elder and special needs law.

News Article

Employment Rights For Individuals With Cognitive Disability


This session will focus on ways individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) can be supported


Life After High School: Transition Planning for Students With Disabilities


As a practitioner focusing on assisting families with navigating through the special education system, transitioning planning probably poses the most challenges.

News Article

Women Rowing North


Mary Pipher teaches women that they continue to learn and grow throughout their lives, and the older years should be no different.

Book Review

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2023 Recorded Seminars (purchase)

Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults And The Impact of Bias

Regular:  $199.00  Member:  $99.00


Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults And The Impact of Bias7/15/2023 12:00:00 AM
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