
Today, one out of five Americans are caring for an older adult or a person with a disability. The fastest growing population is people over the age of 65 — and by 2040, 22 percent of Americans will be 65 or older. How will your practice stay relevant as America ages? NAELA can help.

Engage With Leaders in Elder Law and Special Needs Planning

How do you provide competent, high-quality legal services? By finding the communities that will educate and support you in your practice. NAELA offers multiple networking and community opportunities, including:

  • Members-Only Online Communities to exchange ideas, troubleshoot legal issues, share relevant precedent, and gain support from experienced professionals.
  • NAELA's Annual Conference with more than 250 in-person attendees featuring national programming, networking opportunities, and time to recharge with your peers.
  • Sections, Chapters, and Committees including targeted opportunities to work closely with attorneys in your areas of interest and the chance to shape the future of the field.

Support Systems-Level Change That Will Improve the Lives of Your Clients

Despite our best efforts, there are some cases where the system is working against the clients you serve. That’s where a national advocacy strategy comes into play. Your membership dues support work such as:

  • Shaping the implementation of the SECURE Act by providing regulatory comments on the rules governing Required Minimum Distributions under § 1396(p)(d)(4)(a) trusts.
  • Advocating for better Medicaid design and expanded home- and community-based services, including lobbying for increased appropriations under the Older Americans Act.
  • Informing national initiatives to protect people in nursing facilities by briefing the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on the experiences of clients facing lawsuits from nursing homes.

Stay Current on the Latest Practice Trends, Key Laws, and New Regulations

Practicing elder law is more than estate and legal planning. As one NAELA member recently shared, “It is malpractice to engage in planning while not understanding elder law.” NAELA’s cutting-edge resources include:

  • The NAELA Journal, featuring substantive articles, analysis of recent trends, and case notes.
  • NAELA News, addressing timely issues, how-to information, and recent events.
  • Virtual education and networking opportunities, from webinars to other key virtual events.
  • Our weekly e-Bulletin featuring news, events, case notes, and updates.
  • Our new virtual Law Library, where you can access all of NAELA's resources — from articles, to webinars, to listserv discussions — with a simple keyword search.

Please join us as we take significant steps to shape the world of elder law and disability care, and continue to bring you the resources you need to support the valuable services you provide. Renew your NAELA membership today.

Don't forget to renew your NAELA membership for the 2024 year.

Renew today